Reaction to media reports regarding the PSA Blood Test
We were devastated to read the news that Sir Chris Hoy has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, and of course everyone at the Prostate Project would like to add our very best wishes to the great many messages of support [...]
Quid Pro Golf
It is no exaggeration to say that the support we receive from Golf Clubs is invaluable to our cause, and in acknowledging this fact, we would like to take this opportunity to thank not only the clubs, but also the [...]
Another Momentous Month
One of the many great joys of my role is composing the monthly e-bulletin, a message sent out to thousands of Prostate Project supporters, with details of what’s new, what’s on, and what’s happening at the charity. You might think [...]
Welcome to our new Chair, Martin Davies
An announcement from Alf Turner: "I am stepping down as Chair of the Prostate Project. The Man Van is in the UK, and is currently being fitted-out as the bespoke, mobile PSA testing clinic that we have been campaigning for. [...]
Payroll Giving, and how it helps Charities like Ours
Payroll giving, also known as workplace giving, is an initiative backed by HM Government that allows employees to make regular donations to their chosen charities directly from their salary. In effect, charitable donations are deducted from wages or salary before [...]
The Perfect Partnership
Why K2 Consultancy and the Prostate Project are such a good fit We all know about Corporate Social Responsibility, some larger businesses even have dedicated CSR managers and as a charity we are of course delighted that companies take the [...]
Getting the Message Across
Black men are more than twice as likely to develop prostate cancer than white men, black men are more likely to develop prostate cancer at an earlier age, and most tellingly of all, the death rate among black men is [...]
Women, men need your help!
Chairmans Blog by Alf Turner I am just going to come right out and say it; "a nag a day, can keep the doctor away"! It will come as no surprise to any woman that us men can, on occasion, [...]