Prostate Cancer UK:
A national campaigning organisation that supports men with prostate cancer. Its ‘Toolkit’ can be accessed through the ‘Publications’ section of its website and provides excellent well-presented information about many aspects of prostate cancer and its treatment.
Macmillan Cancer Support: Info line: 0808 8080000
Provides information on Macmillan nurses and the help that they can offer to improve the lives of people affected by cancer.
NHS Choices:
Website for NHS offering a search facility for many aspects of prostate cancer including information on hospitals. Also for men concerned about prostate cancer who are looking for balanced information on the risks involved.
PCaSO Prostate Cancer Support Organisation:
Based in Sussex, Hampshire and Dorset, it provides free and confidential help, support and information to anyone concerned about prostate cancer. Its ‘Prostate Cancer Information Booklet’, produced by patients and accessible through its website, contains useful and quite detailed information.
The Prostate Cancer Support Federation: Helpline: 0800 0355302
Organisation of UK-wide local prostate cancer support groups that acts and speaks for prostate cancer patients and their families.
The Prostate Cancer Centre: Info line: 0845 3707000
Provides a single referral point for specialists on the treatment of prostate cancer and provides comprehensive advice and information.
The Prostate Brachytherapy Centre: Info line: 0845 5050560
Website of the Brachytherapy Centre at the St Luke’s Cancer Centre, Guildford. Providing comprehensive up-to-date information on prostate brachytherapy, including patient information booklets and videos that can all be downloaded.
The Fountain Centre: Tel: 01483 406618
A charity for cancer patients, families and carers in the St Luke’s Cancer Centre at the Royal Surrey County Hospital – offering drop-in facilities, advice, counselling and a wide range of complementary therapies.
Cancer Testing South: Tel: 01428748667
A charity established to increase awareness of prostate cancer in men over 40 together with a team of qualified & experienced nurses and phlebotomists provide simple PSA blood tests.
Talk Prostate: Tel: 0800 111 4314
“Talk Prostate” is the result of a partnership between the Surrey and Sussex NHS Cancer Alliance (SSCA) and virtual NHS healthcare provider, Medefer. Working in partnership for early diagnosis of prostate cancer, you can understand more about the risks and treatments of prostate cancer and carry out an assessment to determine whether you need a PSA test.