Latest Past Events


Shalford Village Hall Kings Rd,, Shalford

An charity evening of fun with live music, hot food, auction, raffle and bar to raise funds for the Prostate Project, charity Roger Nicklin helped found   Hot buffet supper Mild chicken curry, mild vegetable curry, rice, pickles.   Live [...]

The Prostate Project ‘No Ball’

What if we threw a party and nobody came? Well, that’s exactly what we want to happen, and we are calling it the Prostate Project ‘No Ball’. We wanted to celebrate our 25th Anniversary and one suggestion was a charity [...]

West Surrey Golf Club Charity Golf Day

West Surrey Golf Course Station Lane, Godalming

Following the success of prior years Prostate Project charity golf tournaments, this year’s event will be held at West Surrey Golf Club. We would like to thank Captains Terri de Peyrecave, and Jeremy Sherwood, for selecting us as their nominated [...]

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