We are seeking a volunteer to take over as our IT Manager. We are committed, friendly, volunteer led in an extremely supportive matrix organisation.
The IT Manager is a part time volunteer role and includes the typical responsibilities of most IT managers. As a volunteer you will have considerable flexibility over when and how you contribute and which areas need your focus. The important difference from a commercial organisation is the need to achieve consensus before decisions are made.
Including this role the current IT team is four strong. Team members may have other major responsibilities in the matrix as you may also wish to develop. A relaxed flexible approach is part of the culture, nevertheless the charity has made a substantial contribution towards the treatment of prostate cancer locally and elsewhere through our valued medical links. 50% of the trustees are clinicians.
Skills and Experience
- A professional IT management record.
- Good current overview of the IT scene, especially those developments likely to be relevant to the PP.
- Self-starter willing to take appropriate initiatives.
- Experience working in a volunteer role and/or in a matrix organisation would be an advantage.
- Preferably a British Computer Society member or with an alternative relevant professional qualification.
Main Responsibilities
- As a member of the Managing Committee to keep Trustees up-to-date and seek support for IT activities.
Provide IT advice to colleagues and the management team. - Monitor conformance with the documented Management Framework for example to ensure that PP processes are consistent with legal constraints, including the GDPR. Update the Management Framework when needed.
- Ensure that the charity could continue in operation at minimal cost following a hacking or similar episode.
- Help ensure that PP business processes are properly supported by IT and to advise on and where appropriate manage improvement projects.
- Assist with some detailed work. The main technologies in use are the website (increasing WordPress focus), email (MailChimp and corporate), database (SalesForce) and csv/spreadsheet (Excel or equivalent).
This is a draft, details to be adjusted after discussion with those interested.
Mike Hall: admin@prostate-project.net currently in this role, retires 30 September 2022
Alf Turner: chairman@prostate-project.net