Congratulations to Matt, Nim, Ali, Jake, Sofia and Nat for successfully reaching the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro!
After an eight day trek, the team reached the summit on Thursday morning around 6 am. Matt said it was an extremely tough climb up to just below 6,000 meters but that the views were amazing once they got there. The team stuck together and they found the whole experience was very emotional. They are now all back safely and enjoying some much needed R&R.
Thank you to all those that have donated so far, the team are really close to meeting their £2,000 target. You can help them get there by donating at Matt chose to support the Prostate Project after a close family member was diagnosed with prostate cancer earlier this year. He was successfully treated and cared for at the the Stokes Centre for Urology, which we were able to build due to the wonderful support of people like Matt, Nim, Ali, Jake, Sofia and Nat. We cant thank your heroic efforts enough! (and this definitely the furtherest our T-shirts have travelled!)