Why K2 Consultancy and the Prostate Project are such a good fit.
We all know about Corporate Social Responsibility, some larger businesses even have dedicated CSR managers and as a charity we are of course delighted that companies take the matter of supporting good causes so seriously.
But what was there before Corporate Social Responsibility?
Well, there was certainly a lot of good work being done, it just didn’t have a name…it was just great companies and organisations doing their bit because it was ‘the right thing to do’. It might have been fundraising for a concern close to the heart of the business, a special cause to support or an initiative prompted by a specific appeal.
Great businesses do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do.
Of course, there are still examples of what we might describe as ‘corporate largesse’, and boy are we grateful for it, but there are also relationships that develop through an understanding of the quid pro quo involved in a professional arrangement.
K2 Consultancy were the project management team responsible for delivering the Stokes Centre, a world-class urological facility based at the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford and home of the Prostate Project, a charity dedicated to raising funds for treatment and research into the biggest cancer killer of men in the UK.
The Prostate Project raised almost £ 3 million through fundraising, money that was used to help build the centre at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. This shining example of a charity working alongside and in partnership with, the NHS is something that K2 are keen to see replicated in similar developments across the UK.
The building was recognised by RICS in 2020, winning Project of the Year in the Healthcare Category of their prestigious Social Impact Awards, and despite the challenges faced in recent months with lockdown, the centre continues to deliver treatment, and produce ground-breaking research of international importance, partly funded by the fundraising efforts of the Prostate Project.
The team at K2 became closely involved with the Prostate Project during the course of development work, and where the traditional method of supporting the charity might have been a ‘simple’ donation of cash, K2 went further….much, much further.
K2 are involved in funding the production of films and animations designed to reach as many people as possible from different walks of life, ethnicities and community groups. They are introducing the Prostate Project to their own workforce and across the construction and project management industries.
They are committed to making men more aware of the positive message that with early detection and timely treatment, prostate cancer need not be the No.1 killer that it is today, indeed they have even added a simple message to their corporate identity
K2, beating prostate cancer, one PSA test at a time.
Strong stuff and a powerful call to action, we are delighted to have K2 Consultancy on our side, they will help us to reach groups of men that we would traditionally struggle to access information and support, and together we will save more lives.
Why do great businesses help charities? Because it’s the right thing to do.