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An charity evening of fun with live music, hot food, auction, raffle and bar to raise funds for the Prostate Project, charity Roger Nicklin helped found


Hot buffet supper

Mild chicken curry, mild vegetable curry, rice, pickles.


Live Music starts at 19:30

 Sultana – Professional dance band – R&R, pop covers etc.

 Paul & Glen – Popular local star duo: Americana, roots and blues

 Special Guests – Blues, R&R


Tickets – £20 per person (including buffet supper) in advance only from:

Michael Ashworth mike@blackcottage.co.uk (07800 821777)

Glen Vaal glen@vaal99.co.uk (07487 706664)

Text, phone or email one of us to book – payment cash, cheque or bank transfer

Proceeds to the Prostate Project


Doors open at 18:00 Food will be served from 18:30 to 19.30

Tickets not available on the night


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