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Give the gift of art this Christmas and help save mens lives from prostate cancer.

Following the huge success of our online art auction last Christmas, we’re holding another online fundraising art auction during the month of November. To place a bid, visit the auction website: https://theprostatecancerproject.com/


Brainchild of one of our lead scientists, Dr Nicola Annels based at our labs at the University of Surrey, over 40 Surrey based artists generously donated pieces of their original artwork and we hope even more will contribute this year.

These renowned artists exhibit widely across the South East, as well as selling internationally. Ranging from experimental abstract to fine art, from still life to etchings, to rock star photographic portraits, there is something for everyone.


With Christmas only a month or so away when the auction goes live, it’s a great opportunity to buy an original price of artwork as a unique present, whilst supporting the Prostate Project .

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